
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How does food affect our environment?

Consumption of food contributes to damaging our environment in a few different ways. Production, processing, transportation, and packaging of food are all factors that need to be considered and need to find solutions for. The main environmental impacts in food production and processing are in agriculture and aquaculture. And the amount of pollution and waste that is created during the transportation and the packaging of food is unnecessary and can be reduced.

The parts of agriculture that effect our environment are the consumption of water, energy and natural resources, the usage of pesticides and fertilizers, and the destruction of forests for the use of cropland. Between the preparation of soil, fertilization, irrigation, crop protection, packaging and transporting; materials that are used: chemicals, fertilizers, water, pesticides and packaging materials; energy sources that are used: energy to move the water, and lots of fuel; and the harmful emissions are as follows: chemicals, phosphate, nitrogen, pesticides, waste materials and CO2.

Major environmental impacts in aquaculture are: damage/loss of habitats and ecosystems, pollutions from effluents, chemicals and antibiotics. Aquaculture is the fastest growing form of food production in the world and is causing damage to coastal wetlands. These habitats and ecosystems are being destroyed to create room for shrimp farming because shrimp is the most dominant in value in aquaculture. The pollutants that are effecting our environment are coming from excrements, feed & nutrients, and chemicals & antibiotics. These chemicals are being used as fertilizers which are used to adjust the acidity of the water.
The amount of gas that is used to transport food from across the world and to package that food can be reduced by eating locally grown food. “Rich Pirog of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture reports that the average fresh food item on our dinner table travels 1,500 miles to get there. Buying locally produced food eliminates the need for all that fuel-guzzling transportation.” Not only does buying locally grown food decrease the amount of pollutants and waste that is put into the environment but it also is healthier for you.

A few ways to reduce these negative effects on our environment are:
·    Reduce nutrient loads and pest control & management will reduce the amount of effluents that are used.
·    Do not overstock or overfeed this will cut down on the amount of chemicals and antibiotics used.
·    Use natural pesticides rather than harmful chemicals
·    Have a good drainage system so that you can reuse water during irrigation
·    Buying locally grown food
·    All in all we just need to be more aware and have better management, doing this will not only improve the negative effects on our environment but improve product quality and reduce costs.


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